Jun 1
Bay State Trail Riders Association (BSTRA), Poker Run
Hodges Village Dam/Greenbriar Park, Oxford, MA
8+/- miles; $varies; check-in 9:30, ride-out begins 10:00; pre-reg
by 5/28 for lunch; post-entries accepted without meal;
refreshments after; register on-line; no phone/email
registrations; Please clean up!
Joyce Sandvik, Phone: (617) 429-1319
Jun 6-8 Dog River Horse Club,
6th Annual Hidden Acres Groton Ride
Groton, VT
Various mileage options; camping; Saturday night pot luck; come
camp for the weekend.
Helen Hipp , Phone: (802) 238-0822 hchipp@comcast.net
Jun 8
Bay State Trail Riders (BSTRA), National Trails Day
Hubbardston, MA
8 +/- miles; $varies; check-in 9:30, ride-out begins 10:00;
refreshments after; pre-reg by 6/4 for lunch; register
on-line/form on website; no phone/email reservations; riders are
required to wear helmets; see website for details; Please clean
Joyce Sandvik, Phone: (617) 429-1319
Jun 19 - 22 Cross State Trail Ride 4 day weekend
Hidden Acres, Groton VT
Mileage varies daily, Riders are welcome to begin camping on
Thursday; marked trails available on Fri/Sat/Sun; pot luck
on Friday night, included meal plan starts Saturday with 3 meals
and Sunday with Breakfast and Lunch. $ varies TBD. For
complete details see the website at
June 1 | Sunday | BSTRA, Greenbriar Park, Oxford MA |
June 6-8 | Fri-Sun | Dog River Club, Hidden Acres Groton VT |
June 8 | Sunday | BSTRA, Hubbardston MA |
June 19-22 | Thurs-Sun | CSTRA 4 day Hidden Acres Groton VT |