Mar 15 West Greenwich
Horseman’s Association (WGHA), St. Patty’s Day Trail Ride
Pachaug State Forest, Voluntown, CT 06384
Mileage varies; $varies; check-in 9:00, ride-out 9:00-2:00;
pre-reg preferred for lunch; refreshments after; limited parking
is limited, double up in trailers.
Celeste Santos-Rivera, Phone: (860) 235-1098 (text only)
Apr 6
West Greenwich Horseman’s Association (WGHA), Go Fish Trail Ride
(rain date 4/5)
Pachaug State Forest, Voluntown, CT
Mileage varies; $varies; check-in 9:00; ride-out 9:00-2:00;
pre-reg preferred for lunch; refreshments after; parking is
limited, double up trailers.
Celeste Santos-Rivera, Phone: (860) 235-1098
Apr 13 Rhode
Island Federation of Riding Clubs, Blessing of the Horses
LeGrand Horseman's Camp Area, 217 Escoheag Hill Rd, Exeter, RI
8/16 miles; $varies; check-in 8:30; ride-out 9:00-2:00; pre-reg by
4/8 for lunch; refreshments before, after; camping; .
Irene Watson, Phone: (401) 580-7512
Apr 19 Bay State
Trail Riders (BSTRA), Fort Hill Farms
260 Quaddick Rd, Thompson, CT
6 +/- miles; $varies; check-in 9:30, ride-out begins 10:00;
pre-reg by 4/15 for lunch; refreshments after; post entries
welcome without lunch; register on-line or download form from
website; no phone/email registrations; Please clean up!
Joyce Sandvik, Phone: (617) 429-1319
March 15 | Saturday | WGHA, Pachaug SF CT |
April 6 | Sunday | WGHA, Pachaug SF CT |
April 13 | Sunday | RI Federation, LeGrand Horsemens Area RI |
April 19 | Saturday | BSTR, Fort Hill Farms CT |